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Neale Lucas


I know that I am extremely late to the party, in fact the party ended years ago, but I have fallen in love with Pat Barker. I love the Iliad and luckily somebody recommended The Silence of the Girls to me. This was the first Barker novel I had read but I knew almost after reading just one chapter that I wanted to read more of her work. Now I find out that she is famous for her World War 1 novels. I have just finished the first book in the Regeneration trilogy, titled Regeneration, and as I say in my review it is the best novel I have read for a long time. Not only because of the subject matter but her style of writing, her prose is just beautiful and just flows off the page. I am going to write a proper biography of her soon and post it here but for now for those interested, here is a link to the Duram Writing Festival of 2016 featuring Barker and Michael Morpurgo who wrote Warhorse, talking about World War 1. It's fascinating stuff and they both give readings from their respective books.


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