The Word of the Day comes from "The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet" by David Mitchell.
In the novel Jacob's Psalter is a family heirloom handed down through the generations, seemingly gifted with the power to save the owner from danger and death. It even has a musket ball still embedded in it, saving his grandfather's life.
Psalters were books owned mainly by the wealthy in the middle ages. A Psalter is a volume in which the text is Biblical, but the arrangement liturgical. They were designed for liturgical worship in Christian churches and monasteries. A Psalter was not limited to the book of Pslams and contained other devotional material such as the litany of the Saints.
"The Utrecht Psalter is generally considered to be important to the development of Anglo-Saxon art in the late tenth century, as the artistic style of its artwork seems to have been drawn on and adapted by Anglo-Saxon artists of this time.